文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥

A Look at Verification 
Written by Lian-shen Linving Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Foundation Translation Team

 A disciple asked, "When we purify our body, speech and mind, what do we hope to verify?"
 My reply was, "The Yoga of One Taste."
 The disciple asked again, "When we cultivate the winds, channels and drops, what can we hope to verify?"
 I replied, "The appearance of clear light."
 I have said that the union of the Three Secrets refers to the three secrets of the body, speech and mind of the practitioner being merged indivisibly with the three secrets of the body, speech and mind of the principal deity. Hence, it is known as the Yoga of One Taste. At this stage, the physical body born of one's parents is the same as that of the principal deity.
 Practitioners who achieve results with the Three Secrets shall find that when they cultivate the karma yogas of purification, enhancement, magnetization and subjugation, they can eradicate transgressions and calamity, contain an epidemic, heal sickness, increase blessing and wisdom, enhance relationships, and defeat all enemies. Such achievements will result in incredible merits.
 Let me say that in the cultivation of winds, channels, and drops through the Inner Fire Yoga, you will first see the appearance of a drop of clear light, followed by the light of a Vajra chain. Finally, you will see the emergence of the principal deity and the Pure Land of the deity. In the end, the clear light of the practitioner will merge with the cosmic clear light of the Dharmadhatu. 
 If you accomplish the Inner Fire Yoga when cultivating winds, channels and drops, you may proceed to cultivate the Phowa Yoga, Dream Yoga, Illusory Body Yoga, Clear Light Yoga, and Consciousness Transference Yoga. These are the Six Yogas of Naropa.
 Heruka Practice helps you accomplish all activities. 
 Highest Yoga Tantra helps the practitioner attain purity. 
 The Great Perfection allows you to attain complete freedom. 
 In my twenty years of spreading the Dharma and giving talks, I have gone to great lengths to explain these practices in detail, revealing what is necessary, and even revealing some details that should not be revealed. What remains are the supremely secret teachings and techniques that I shall only reveal in person to the right candidates with the affinity and natural abilities. 
 My verification is: 
 The Dharma that is free from falsehood is defined as Right. The wisdom that is without boundary is defined as All Pervasive.  Leaving the dream of samsara is defined as Awareness.

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