文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥

一、 氣——一切成就的作用。
二、 脈——化為一切境界,佛國淨土。
三、 明點——佛。
四、 拙火——淨光。

The Body Mandala 

Written by Lian-shen Linving Buddha Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Foundation Translation Team

 Once, I went mountain climbing with many of my disciples. Several of them had come from Europe, and their flight was scheduled for departure that very afternoon. When two of my disciples learned that their principal deity was the Medicine Buddha, they immediately knelt down on the spot, gave their offerings and requested the principal deity empowerment.
 At that time, I was dressed only in my lama outfit without the necessary pure vase, the Buddha crown and the Dharma throne.  Needless to say, there was no mandala available for this purpose. I thought about this and agreed to their request. I said, “All right. I’ll give both of you the principal deity empowerment. I want you to form the Medicine Buddha Mudra and recite the Medicine Buddha Mantra, and visualize the Medicine Buddha seated on top of your crown.”
 I extended my hand to touch their crowns, and gave them the empowerment. Then I explained to my disciples: All Tantric empowerments should ideally take place in the sanctuary of a mandala(shrine), because the mandala houses the combined merits of all Buddhas and deities. When the Vajra Master wears the Buddha crown, and ascends the Dharma throne, he gives the respective empowerment either with the image of the deity or the pure vase. This symbolizes an empowerment given to the disciple with the power of the principal deity, the power of the Guru, and the power of the Dharma realm. Only then can an empowerment be considered valid.
 Otherwise, it is not permissible and not in accordance with the law to offer the empowerment in the wild mountain areas. Without his Buddha crown, without the Dharma throne to which the Guru ascends, without ritual objects and the mandala, the entire empowerment is considered invalid.
 Yet I could give the empowerment. Why? I wish to say that I have already achieved spiritual union with the Five Buddhas. In an instant, the Five Buddhas resided on the top of my head and transformed themselves into a precious crown. The ground that I stood on was instantly transformed into the lotus throne. My hands were my ritual objects and, abiding within my five chakras, namely the brow chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, navel chakra, and root chakra were the Five Buddhas Five Herukas.  Hence, you shall find the assembly of sages residing within my body, where a multitude of meritorious virtues converge. My body itself is the mandala.
 I wish to inform the True Buddha practitioner that by the cultivation of winds, channels and drops, one can develop the Body Mandala.
 Winds or Chi -- The mover of all accomplishments.
 Channels -- Transformed into every realm, and the Buddha Pure Land.
 Drops -- Buddhahood.
 Inner fire -- Clear light.
 If your cultivation and attainment in your practice of winds, channels and drops, reach a stage where a transformation occurs, you will recognize True Reality. True Reality is without individual nature, and adjusts to changes without holding to a fixed self-nature. Impurity and purity, truth and delusion intertwine with no hindrances in an infinite matrix of interaction.
 Vajrayana Buddhism places the utmost importance in the sadhana ritual. If the ritual is incomplete, then all is considered invalid!
 Yet, only by cultivating and attaining the Body Mandala can one rise above and beyond all things! Only then can one hold the key to infinite Buddhadharma without fail!
 Who can verify this statement: “The True Reality is that which I am.”
 My reply: “One who practices winds, channels and drops.”

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