文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥



The Big Mulberry Tree

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung
Edited by Jason Yu
Proofread by Lufang Hsiung 

  I traveled to the Earth Bound Realm during one samadhi session. I came to a divine palace where rare exotic flowers and plants were planted in front of the entrance, and whose fragrance constantly permeated the air, making one feel absolutely carefree and relaxed.
  An immortal walked out of the palace, spotted me, and appeared delighted. He then said to me, “Lian-sheng, you have come. There is hope for my big mulberry tree!”
  The immortal led me to the back of the palace where a hug mulberry tree stood. He said, “There are many worms that grow on this huge mulberry tree, and they ate up all the leaves on the tree. Now they are chewing the root of the tree, and once they bite through, the tree will die. Poor mulberry tree.”
  I was curious and asked the immortal, “Don’t you have the means to get rid of the worms?”
  The immortal said, “Affinities vary, and this affinity rests on you.”
 “What affinity?” I asked.
 The immortal said, “The spirit of this huge mulberry tree has incarnated on earth as a human being. Presently the individual is practicing the True Buddha Tantra. Isn’t this affinity connected to you? You were taught by your master Reverend Liaoming the talisman of removing worms, and once you attach this talisman onto the tree, the worms would leave. Isn’t this affinity?”
 When I heard this I said not another word and immediately drew the Worm Removal Talisman and attached it onto the trunk of the mulberry tree. Upon attaching the talisman, all the white worms simply dropped from the leaves, roots and trunk onto the ground, and once they touched the ground, they all disappeared.
The immortal laughed and said, “Now the seven year itch is finally cured.”
The huge mulberry tree soon returned to its full blossom and its leaves were abundant with life as the blessing power of the Buddha came upon it.
  As far as I know, I have a disciple in mainland China with the family name of Sang [which means mulberry]. It is a rare family name. This disciple is tall, much like the tree trunk, and he was introduced to the teachings of True Buddha Tantra by a pilot with an airline and then took refuge.
  Seven years ago he had contacted a skin rash which appeared as red spots all over his body from the root of his hair to his toe, unbearably itchy all over. The rash was difficult to cure and he had single-mindedly paid homage to Avalokitesvara [Guanyin] and made Guanyin his personal deity, reciting the Six Syllable Mantra [Om Mani Padme Hum] eight million times, praying to Guanyin for a cure for his incredible itch.
  Then one day he dreamed of Guru entering his dream, giving him a talisman [which he later burned, then mixed the ashes of the talisman with water, and then drank it]. This disciple felt he had consumed nectar in his dream. After this dream experience, his itch and red rashes and ulcers simply healed naturally and completely. He had suffered from this skin disease for exactly seven years.

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