文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


The Method of Seeing All Spirits

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

Someone asked me, “You, Living Buddha Lian-sheng, can see all spirits. Why is it that you can see them, and we can’t?”
I smiled and said, “The reason I can see them is because when I was twenty-six years old, the Golden Mother of the Jade Pond opened my spiritual eye. You must be built with a certain inborn quality before you can see all spirits. Otherwise, you need to cultivate diligently, so that when the time comes, you will see them.”
“How does one cultivate the spiritual eye?”
I replied, “When you open your heart chakra, radiating the soft white light, your spiritual eye shall open. You shall see infinite buddhas and bodhisattvas who are your close companions. You can travel to all the pure lands of the buddhas and listen to their teachings in person.”
I added, “In the Vajrayana practice of cultivating winds, channels and drops, opening the central channel is followed by the opening of the five chakras. These are the most proper stages of cultivating the opening of the spiritual eye.”
“Are there other Vajrayana practices that enable one to see all spirits?”
“Indeed there are other Vajrayana practices for seeing all spirits. You need to use Niuhuang (translator’s note: ox gallstone, dried and made into powder or pills). Recite the mantra of Cundi. You need to recite until you see the Nuihuang turning into ‘smoke’ or ‘fire’. Then rub the Nuihuang over your eyes and consume it, and you shall immediately see all spirits.”
I added, “To my knowledge, if the practitioner circumambulates the bodhi tree clockwise, recites the heart mantra of Sakyamuni Buddha a million times, and prays to the Buddha to empower his spiritual eye, he shall immediately see buddhas, bodhisattvas and arhats appearing before him where they shall preach the Dharma to him.”
In the past, I taught the method of seeing one’s deceased ancestors. The method goes like this: Obtain a few drops of tears from any deceased person and mix the tears with perfume. Offer this mixture in the mandala shrine, and begin reciting mantra until you see a glow over the perfume. Take the perfume and rub it on your eyelids, and you shall immediately see your ancestors and all other spirits.
Do not be alarmed or frightened when you start seeing spirits. Consider it a natural occurrence, and maintain an attitude of non-attachment and non-delusion. From the experiences of seeing the spirit world, the practitioner will be able to understand how things really work; how every fortune and misfortune is based on the good and bad deeds committed. He shall be forewarned of any trouble or problem that comes his way.
If you persevere in your cultivation to see all spirits, it is not a difficult thing to achieve!

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