For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.

For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.

Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that my three channels will be filled

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that my body shall be filled with psychic heat

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that all impurities shall be purified

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that the dharmakaya shall soon appear

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me. 

Grant that I shall be freed from delusion

In my practice of Mahamudra.

To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that I shall attain buddhahood soon

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that my consciousness will be transformed 

In my practice of Mahamudra, so that I may turn the dharma wheel.

To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that I shall attain great accomplishment

In my practice of Mahamudra.


To all gurus: I pray to you,

Bestow your great spiritual light upon me.

Grant that I shall swiftly attain nirvana

In my practice of Mahamudra


Before every meditation session, we must first recite the Supplication for the Blessing of Living Buddha Lian-sheng [from the True Buddha Sutra], and then visualize the human guru and all lineage holders transforming into light drops that enter our body. Afterwards, we need to recite the verses for the blessing of Mahamudra. Next, we may begin to practice. The various practices must be completed in gradual stages. However, we can be flexible in the arrangement of practices. Some may begin with Guru Yoga and follow with Ekagrata Yoga [One-pointedness Meditation],  and continue with the ignition of psychic heat practice and so forth. Others who have more time at their disposal may perform all three practices in a single meditation session. You can choose whatever practices and arrangement you wish, but we must still regard the Guru Yoga as the most important.

The practitioner should view his guru as being indivisible from the buddha. When invoking the presence of the Padmakumara Vajra Guru, Master Practitioner of the Secret Teachings, one must say the following three recitations:

Homage to the constantly abiding dharmakaya, the thusness of the three times, the Maha Twin Lotus Ponds, the White-robed Chief Deity Padmakumara.

Homage to the pure sambhogakaya, the thusness of space, the one with perfect radiant features, the White-robed Chief Deity Padmakumara.

Homage to the transforming nirmanakaya, the Infinite Wonderful Dharma, the Holy Red Crown Vajra Guru Padmakumara.

A disciple who cultivated Guru Yoga suddenly saw the guru arriving on a cloud during his meditation. The guru held a white lotus in his hand and descended gradually, passing the lotus to the disciple, who was in meditative absorption. Then he disappeared immediately. 

 -To Be Continued-



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