■Book 200 - Pages of Enlightenment

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

■Chapter nine

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In Vajrayana's tantras of herukas, there are many shocking passages.  

One tantra scripture says that a baby's experiences during the ten months of pregnancy are equivalent to going through all ten stages of bodhisattvahood. He or she is born as a tenth stage bodhisattva. He or she is also born completely naked without any hair, just like a buddha in the form of a monk.

It is also said in the tantra scriptures, “There is a truth that no one knows which is that all sentient beings are buddhas.”

It was said that after the World Honored One revealed the supreme truth, Locana Buddha, Mamaki, the White Robe Guan-yin, Taras, and an infinite number of bodhisattvas all fainted from being overwhelmed with doubts. Thus, Shakyamuni Buddha further explained that all sentient beings are buddhas, whether they have been obscured by beginningless delusion or a momentary delusion arising from a thought. It is without a doubt that they will become buddhas immediately once they sever these obscurations.

The World Honored One was referring to the delusion in the desire realm, the delusion in the form realm, delusion in the formless realm, and the delusion of sravakas and pratyekabuddhas.

The World Honored One was saying that you already innately possess [Buddha-nature]; do not seek liberation outside of yourself as you can attain buddhahood in this very body.

The World Honored One said that everything in the innate nature of true suchness is everlasting joy.

I once declared to tens of thousands of my followers while I was seated on my dharma throne that I am Lian-sheng Buddha. My noble students firmly believe in me. Yet, some other Buddhists have doubts. They want to discuss the issues of [whether True Buddha School reflects] genuine Buddhist teachings or non-Buddhist heathen teachings; whether or not I am a real living buddha or fake living buddha; and whether I am a real buddha or fake buddha.

Now, I solemnly quote the World Honored One, “All sentient beings are buddhas.”

I am the one who has truly awakened to the supreme truth; I am the one who has attained great awakening.

Yet, those Buddhists who focus on external appearances still have doubts. They are ones who are the typical non-Buddhists. The word “great” in reference to my great awakening is not the superlative adjective for size to indicate whether something is big or small. Here the word “great” refers to eternity.

The World Honored One regarded ultimate bliss to be Great Bliss. This Great Bliss is not the ordinary bliss of the mundane world which is generated from dualistic conditions. That kind of ordinary bliss will become stale and [unsatisfying], and will lead to insatiable desires. As all humanity seeks pleasure, desires become insatiable and unending.

Bliss and suffering are dualistic and opposing conditions. Yet, the bliss of enlightenment is the Great Bliss. This Great Bliss is not dualistic but absolute.

You should understand that I don't need liberation because I am not in bondage. I don't need skillful means because I innately am. I don't need delusion because there is innately no delusion. I am not confused because there is no confusion.


I am Lian-sheng Buddha. 

I am in the clear light of Great Bliss. 

If you have doubts, 

Then you are the non-Buddhist.

I don't need liberation because I am not in bondage. 

I don't need skillful means because I innately am. 

I don't need delusion because there is innately no delusion. 

I will not be confused because there is no confusion.

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