



我是一位製藥化學系的碩士畢業生,準備攻讀博士,五年多前,我在實驗室工作時,因意外事故,被嚴重灼傷臉、頸、胸部、手臂和雙手。結果,我完全失去了視力,不能再使用雙手。自從2013 330日在多倫多〈淨印雷藏寺〉由蓮雄上師代師尊給我皈依灌頂後,我深信,如果有任何人可以令我康復,這必是法王蓮生活佛。我皈依的當天,正好是觀世音菩薩的寶誕。























滿懷愛和感激之心,我衷心感謝法王蓮生活佛、蓮雄上師、蓮君法師、蓮花業為師兄、 蓮花妍雅師姐一家和納文,使這次西雅圖之旅如斯神奇而難忘。沒有您們全體的愛和支持,這一切都不會成為可能。








On Friday October 18, 2013 Master Lian-xiong, Reverend Lian-jun, Benjamin Law, Racheal Wason & family, Navin and myself had the opportunity to visit His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng (whom I will lovingly refer to as Grand Master throughout the rest of the article) in Seattle. This experience has been memorable, miraculous and a dream come true.


Over five years ago, due to an accident while working in lab, I was severely burned on my face neck, chest, arms and hands. As a result, I lost my vision completely and the use of both of my hands. Since taking refuge in Grand Master on March 30, 2013 at Jing Yin temple in Toronto which was officiated by Master Lian-xiong, I know wholeheartedly if anyone can heal me it will be His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng.  The day that I took refuge in Grand Master was also Avalokitesvara's birthday.


Two days before going to Seattle,  I dreamt there were thousands of people in front of Grand Master as I was eagerly seeking His blessings. When Grand Master saw me He cleared a path for me to come and receive His blessings. Little did I know at the time my dream was going to be a reality.


When we arrived on Friday October 18, 2013 at Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple in Seattle, Grand Master was coming out of His office and heading towards some disciples on the other side of us. Master Lian-Xiong told Grand Master they were disciples  of Indian descent who came from Jing Yin temple in Toronto to receive His blessings. Grand Master acknowledge us and continued walking towards the other disciples when all of a sudden Grand Master stopped, turned around and came to bless me. As Grand Master graciously placed His hand on my head, I felt a warm and tingling sensation entering my head which quickly spread down my spine. Throughout that evening and night I had severe headaches. I felt my head and eyes were on fire.


When I woke up the next morning, Saturday, October 19, 2013 my husband, Navin put on the lights in our hotel room. I knew something was strange when I saw something bright. I asked my husband what was so bright, and he said that he just turned on the lights. I was extremely grateful to finally seeing light after years of complete darkness.


During Grand Master's Dharma talk that evening, He mentioned that it was White Robbed Guan Yin (Avalokistvera) who empowered Him to bless me.


The next day, on Sunday October 20, 2013 after the Homa ceremony, Master Lian-xiong, Reverned Lain-jun, Benjamin Law, Racheal Wason &family and Navin sang "Jing Yin welcomes you" as I painted the symbol "HUM" for Grand Master as a gift of gratitude on behalf of all our brothers and sisters at Jing Yin Temple in Toronto.


Monday, October 21, 2013 was our last day in Seattle. It was a bitter-sweet day. We were sad that we were leaving Grand Master but was feeling blessed to have received Grand Master's blessings. As we were leaving Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple, Grand Master told us, "come back soon". What a great way to end our trip to Seattle!


The following day, Wednesday, October 22, 2013, Master Lian-xiong conducted a Homa (fire) offering for Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara). I have to admit, before attending the Homa ceremony, I knew something wonderful was going to happen. As soon as Master Lian-xiong started the fire, once again my head and eyes started to burning as though it was on fire. After the Homa ceremony was over, I chatted with the brothers and sister at Jing Yin temple for a few minutes and then came back home. When I reached home, I felt a strong urge to chant the High King Guan Yin sutra, and I did! I went to be around three- thirty after chatting the High King Guan Yin sutra for forty-nine times.


I vividly remembered before going to bed that night, I was wondering how nice it would be if I knew how Guan Yin looks. That night I dreamt a beautiful lady dressed in a white flowing dress standing next to Grand Master. Her radiance was shinning brighter than the sun. I was so mesmerized by her beauty and compassion. I felt as though in my dream that Grand Master and Guan Yin was telling me that I would no longer be in darkness anymore. When I woke up the next morning, I saw a cloudy white, smokey mist. The cloudy,  white, smokey most is constantly there even when I know my eyes are closed.


One might ask, can I be healed? My answer would be, Yes! With strong faith in Grand Master and being diligent in your cultivation practice, anything is possible. Even though I welcomed Grand Master into my life only a few months ago, my faith, trust, belief and dedication towards Him and His teachings are unwavering.


My purpose for going to Seattle was NOT to ask Gand Master for my eyesight, I just went there to thank Him for entering my life and for His guidance. While  Grand Master was blessing me, a thought ran through my mind that I should ask Grand  Master for my eyesight back but I didn't want to be selfish and ask for something for myself, instead I asked Grand Master to bless all beings. My belief is, yes, I'm blind and I would love nothing more than to see again, but I know there are other people in worst situations than me, instead I have chosen to use the opportunity to pray for others.


I know there will be times when you keep chanting and doing everything right and you're not seeing the results, that's when your faith must be stronger and  unwavering. Don't stop believing. Have faith and trust that Grand Master hears all of your prayers and all of your prayers will be answered in due time. Things may not always work out exactly the way you wanted to but trust that Grand Master has a bigger and better plan for you.


With abundance of love and gratitude, I thank His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, Master Lian-xiong, Reverend Lian-jun, Benjamin Law, Racheal Wason & family and Navin for making this a miraculous and memorable trip to Seattle. Without all of your love and support none of this would have been possible.


Grand Master, Master Lian-xiong and Reverend Lian-jun always remind us that if you keep doing your homework by chanting wholeheartedly, your wishes will eventually be granted.


May all of your wishes be fulfilled.



Om Guru Lian-sheng Siddhi Hum.

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