A Fulfilled Vow(四)


■Book 148 - The Power of Mantra

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu


However, Lee Wei discovered cool and refreshing spring water flowing from a certain concave area in the hill since his purchase of the place. At first he took little notice of it. But as the water was gushing out continuously in great volume, flowing into the riverbank nearby, an idea struck Lee Wei. He bottled a sample and sent it to a laboratory for testing. It turned out to be a high quality natural mineral water. This water contains no fat, carbohydrates and protein. It contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, flourine...The laboratory report stated that the water is of superb quality and contains minerals needed and absorbed by the human body. It contains no deposits and tastes refreshingly cool. It is mineral water. Lee Wei linked this idea to building a factory for mineral water. He came to me for a name, 'Please give the mineral water a good brand name.' 

I first named it, 'Simply Pure. Fresh. Crystal Clear.' 

Lee Wei said, 'Seems repetitive.' 

I gave it another name, 'Puli' 

Lee Wei uttered, 'That's it! It clicks!' 

The name of the bridge is Puli Bridge. He named his hill as Puli Hill. Thus, naming the water that springs forth from the hill as Puli Mineral Water was totally fitting! 

When Puli Mineral Water was launched, its sales rocketed and was very well received. Puli Mineral Water swept the market and consumers simply loved it. It became the choice drink over other brands of mineral water. 

This is:

Popular among people.

Beneficial to all. 

Even stranger is the fact that the spring water from the hill keeps flowing, as if there is an inexhaustible underground river beneath the hill. 

* * *

Lee Wei did not forget his vow and upon receiving his blessings, completed the pilgrimage road in no time. He thus fulfilled his mother's vow. Lee Wei, like his mother, gives to charity and as a wealthy man, his donation amounts to huge sums of money. Many Buddhist organizations have thus approached him for donations. 

Lee Wei supports the building of temples, hospitals...etc. I had seen Lee Wei appearing on television and was being praised for his charity. 

One year, I returned to Taiwan. I went pass a rather grand and luxurious building and asked, 'Whose company is this?' 

Lee Wei's.' 

I uttered 'Ah!' and fell silent. I heard later that Lee Wei had wanted to look me up but I did not see him. Until one time he sent a car to pick me up that I finally arrived at his house. His house was guarded with security sentry at the gate. The house appeared magnificent, a testimony to Lee Wei's status as the director of many companies. 

Lee Wei came down from the stairs and when we met he appeared very warm and friendly. He instructed the servants to serve me well. He said, 'Why didn't you look me up?' 

I said, 'Sorry! I am really busy!' 

What are you busy with?' 

Liberating sentient beings.' 

Do you need me to help you?' Lee Wei asked. 

Ah! Nothing!' In turn, I asked him, 'What is it that you want?' 

Nothing. I just want to meet up with you, Master Lu. Now you're a grand Living Buddha.' 

We spoke for a while. I asked, 'Do you still recite the Vasudhara Dharani Mantra these days?' 

He replied, 'Yes of course. I recited more often in the past. But now that I am busier, I recite less.' His face blushing, feeling a little embarrassed. 

I told him in no uncertain terms never to forget his mantra recitation. He nodded and replied, 'Yes. Yes. Yes.' 


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