The 'Dharma Wheel' Fa Lun Chapter In Kuching

■Book 104 - A Plethora Of Scenic Splendours

■Written by GrandMaster Sheng-yen Lu

I flew from West Malaysia's Penang to East Malaysia's Kuching on December 30, 1992.

When I saw Lian Fu using a microphone to direct True Buddha disciples to sing the guru Mantra outside the airport, a tender feeling filled my heart. The chapter head Lian Hua Wen Kui came personally to welcome me too.

Kuching is the biggest city in East Malaysia. The word Kuching means cat. It is also known as the city of cats.

On the way to Dharma Wheel chapter, we had to pass through many straight thoroughfares that are lined by trees. The houses are few and dispersed. Although the sky was blue, the grass green and the air refreshing, a tourist visiting for the first time will soon find out that the biggest city in East Malaysia is just a sparsely populated village.

East Malaysia prefers to remain undeveloped than modernise to a cosmopolitan structure. Resettlement from West Malaysia is not welcomed. As the central government has no jurisdiction here, the immigration authority can act independently. We were very confused by the terms Sarawak and Borneo, since East Malaysia has many jungles and swampy lands. There are many True Buddha chapters in West Malaysia. Among the oldest chapters formed in East Malaysia are:

Dharma Wheel chapter - Kuching

Miao Li chapter-Sibu

Wan Li chapter- Miri

Ben Que chapter-Sabah

Lei Tsang temple-Sabah

Lei Tsang temple-Lian Hu Tawau

Ren Shan chapter- Sandakan

Even Brunei is found in this big island.

Studying land-survey in my younger days, I know apart from jungles and swamp-lands, there are many rivers in this island.

As the timber trade is thriving, the town is built along the river. There are departmental stores, government offices, cinemas, and a hospital and shops in the business centre. The weather is rather hot; only cooler after a shower, but the tanned residents are full of hospitality. Apart from timber, East Malaysia is also endowed with natural resources such as tin, petrol etc...

Explorers and traders from all over the places were the early immigrants; Indonesians and filipinos can still be found in many towns in East Malaysia. They speak different languages and wear different costumes. The aborigines are Dayaks, Ibans and others.

At the Dharma Wheel chapter, I explained the meaning of the name of the chapter. I wanted the dharma wheel to be turned faster and more often. The sermon given by the Buddha is able to tame the evil forces, and this is the meaning of Wheel. As the sermon is never a standstill; passing from one person to another like a wheel, it is known as the dharma wheel.

The following quotation shows the meaning of dharma wheel:

“The right view of non-birth heralds in a system to be emulated, this is dharma. Spreading to many and not to one person only, this is a wheel.”

The three signs of dharma wheel that we always make reference to are:

1. Right view, right thought, right zeal, and right remembrance are the spokes of a wheel.

2. Right speech, right deed, and right livelihood are the hub of a wheel.

3. Correct meditation is the axle of a wheel.

(The authenticating object of my lineage given by my teacher, guru Tu Den Da Ji of the Gelugpa tradition is a dharma wheel made of diamonds.)

I said before:

“True Buddha Tantra is a righteous dharma.”

“Many True Buddha disciples will have great attainment in their cultivation; as are evidenced by many who had sarira found in their remains.”

“True Buddha Tantra consists of outer, inner, Tantra and profound Tantra. And the Tantra can be further classified into Practice, action, Yoga and the most profound sections.”

I hope all the True Buddha disciples have full confidence in their cultivation. They must not be too enthusiastic and passionate like a person falling in love at first sight, only to cool off later or worse still, give up the faith.

Buddha said before, “Those who can maintain their first vow, will surely be enlightened as a Buddha.”

The future of True Buddha School in Malaysia is very bright. The salvation mission is deep-rooted, encouraging, upright and eternal.

Those who are jealous of our success ,concoct all kinds of rumours and laugh at our sufferings will be defeated eventually.

Wherever Lu Sheng Yen goes, the flowers will surely blossom!


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