■Book 148─Power of Mantra

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

■Chapter Four


I finally told Jiang Wei, “Alright! I do know that within Vajrayana teachings, there is a Bodhisattva known as Vajrayaksa [also known as Vajra Teeth Bodhisattva]. I'll consult him and ask him how to help an adult grow a new tooth. Who knows, he may have a solution for you.”

Jiang Wei left happily.

To help Jiang Wei, I picked an auspicious time and date to construct a shrine for Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva. In the shrine I placed a lotus throne for Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva, together with the offerings of incense, flowers, perfume, lamps, tea and fruits.

I chanted the Mantra of Purifying the Dharma Realms: 

[transliteration:] Om, nam, so-ha

[Sanskrit: OM NAM SVAHA]. 

I formed the Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva Mudra and visualized the Bodhisattva descending onto the shrine to receive my offerings. [I chanted:]

May this scent of fragrant flowers permeate the dharma realms throughout the Ten Directions

To all buddhas and saints dwelling in the countless pure lands 

Please accept this offering and extend your help 

Please deliver sentient beings from their suffering

And help them attain enlightenment together

Devas of earth, water, fire, and wind, I summon you to appear

May the requested deities respond immediately to this summons

I sincerely invoke the presence of Vajrayaksa

Transforming this offering to present to you

I saw Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva descending from above, promptly seated on a precious lotus throne. His golden body emanated endless circles of light.

I went straight to the question, “Is there a method to help an adult grow new teeth?”

Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva laughed and said, “Are you aware of the reason I have Vajra Teeth?”

“I only know about the teeth, but I do not know what the teeth are used for.”

“I, Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva, am not here to help anyone grow new teeth. My Vajra Teeth symbolize the strength and toughness of teeth that grinds away all demonic hindrances. The teeth also symbolize the crushing of all the greed, anger and ignorance of humans. I will bite all demons and ghosts into pieces if they dare to approach me and thus, the teeth represent crushing all evils.” 

“I understand now,” I said. 

Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva continued, “Ekajati, with her single tuft of hair, one eye, and one tooth, also symbolizes this, as do the teeth of Hayagriva. Together, we form the Trinity of Teeth.”

“Is there a way to help an adult grow new teeth?” I asked.


“Who should I approach for help?”

“I don't know.”

I saw Vajrayaksa Bodhisattva off and knew the fact that no bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions or any wise beings could offer a way to grow new teeth for an adult. Even the Trinity of Teeth could not offer a method.

I thought I knew everything. I thought I understood the ways of heaven and earth, the ways of human beings, the teachings of the Dharma, and all principles. In the end I realized how little I actually knew. I knew nothing and could do nothing. I was such an ignorant fool!

I thought of how the buddhas and bodhisattvas express their compassion. We need to help remove and transform the suffering of all sentient beings and do it with the greatest joy. Besides purifying our own karma, we need to help others purify their karma.

When we help others resolve their karma, we need to enlighten them on the underlying causes and effects that affect them as they journey through life. We need to untie the knots of karma that bind us.

Only when karma is purified can the knots be unraveled. When all karma is resolved and Buddha-nature surfaces, and when Buddha-nature reveals itself through your cultivation, you are enlightened. Thus, helping ourselves and others find enlightenment is a sign of a truly compassionate bodhisattva.

                                                         -To Be Continued-

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