■Book 51─Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

■Chapter Two

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If my disciples practice the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra as outlined in my book, follow the teachings with accuracy, receive the guidance from a genuine master, and maintain vigorous practice, I guarantee that if they should not attain buddhahood, then I shall be held responsible.

Mahamudra is an unexcelled method of attaining buddhahood. Once an individual practices it, the ordinary mundane mind will resonate with the universal mind. In other words, you become one and inseparable with the original nature of the universe in the present body. At this time, you will be aware of your self-nature and the intrinsic nature of the universe. You will understand that you are truth itself and the truth is you, and that there is no difference between the two.

The term Mahamudra in Sanskrit or Chakgya Chenpo in Tibetan means the “Great Seal.” Mahamudra is the quintessence of attaining buddhahood. This practice is also called the Middle Way, and it relies completely on training the mind with specific techniques to reach the single buddha vehicle. Upon reaching this state, one perceives the true reality behind all things. The final goal of all cultivators is to partake in the right path, resulting in the fruition of the realm of nirvana, attaining buddhahood, and freeing oneself from the bondage of cyclic existence. One will eventually attain complete spiritual freedom.

I would say that anyone who practices Mahamudra Yoga and gains attainment shall reach the state of wonderful action of the mind and spirit, in which all movements and actions reflect the cultivation and attainment of Mahamudra. Thus, one will reach the level of spontaneous expression, which is beyond the state of an ordinary mundane mortal.

I once said:

The very act of eating is an act of offering. Offerings are made in the upper realms to the buddhas and bodhisattvas. In the middle realms, offerings are made to the devas. In the lower realms, offerings are made to the sentient beings suffering in the six realms. Therefore, the act of consuming food is just like performing the homa ritual, which is the Mahamudra practice of Mandala Offering.

The very act of clothing oneself is an act of guarding oneself by using Armor Protection, which is called secret adornment. Hence, getting dressed is the spontaneous arising of the Mahamudra of Adornment.

The very act of bathing is an act of cleansing one's limbs, mouth, and body. Hence, this constitutes the spontaneous emergence of the Mahamudra of Purification.

The very act of speaking is an act of transforming all speech and sound into a mantra because all utterances are the recitation of mantra, which is the Mahamudra of Speech Purification.

The very act of sleeping is the Yoga of Clear Light, where the sleeping postures are in fact Mahamudra postures.

The true meaning of Mahamudra is the complete transformation of the mundane ordinary mind into a holy mind, for every desire has an antidote in Mahamudra. Thus, an ordinary person is transformed into the mind of a holy sage. All negative karma that arises from ignorance is eliminated, leaving no trace of even a single dust particle. All aspects of truth are continuously revealed and have inexhaustible meanings, which are the expression of infinite wisdom.

I would like to declare that anyone who practices Mahamudra, whether he or she is an ordained monk or a nun, or a layperson, is the one who has vowed to attain buddhahood. In this regard, he or she has accepted the transcendental method and instructions of the Highest Tantra Yoga, which should be considered as the true act of renunciation. All past practices are incomparable to the teachings of Highest Tantra Yoga and Mahamudra, which encompass all other teachings and wisdom. All other practices are eternally embodied in these supreme teachings. Thus, by practicing Mahamudra, one attains true renunciation.

When a Tantric Buddhist practitioner of the Kagyu order attains realization through the practice of Mahamudra, at that time the mundane teachings, Sutrayana teachings, dharma gates, rules and precepts, and Tantric teachings all become shattered. However, those who are not enlightened cannot understand this. Thus, I will not elucidate further on this because any explanation may immediately become a misunderstanding. This truth is only understood by one who has realized and attained buddhahood.

I am an accomplished adept because it is a supreme victory to attain buddhahood. Therefore, I have earned the status of a teacher in the human and spiritual worlds because I, an enlightened Vajra master, have demonstrated and proved the process of attaining buddhahood. My titles include the “Emanation of White Mahapadmakumara of the Maha Twin Lotus Ponds,” “religious torchbearer,” “one who enlightens man and succors the world,” “Holy Red Crown Vajra Guru,” and “Tantric Master Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu.” Those who follow my practices and read my books are indeed endowed with the affinity to attain buddhahood.                                                                                      

-To Be Continued-

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