■Book 51─Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

■Chapter seven

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Another individual had prayed for the guru's blessings. In his meditation, he saw the guru riding on a huge elephant with six tusks, and saw his hand holding a pen that was used to write the Sanskrit letters of the Green Tara Mantra in the air. The guru recited every syllable of the Green Tara Mantra, teaching the practitioner until he remembered it. Once the mantra was learned, the guru disappeared and the disciple was overwhelmed with tears of joy.


Another disciple had prayed for the guru's blessings and during his meditation, he saw the guru's facial and bodily features transform into a three-headed, six-armed statue that was several stories tall. The statue was holding dharma implements. His faces displayed a wrathful look, and his body was engulfed by tongue-like flames. His eyes had a piercing and electrifying stare that even the disciple could not look at them directly. Subsequently, the disciple felt remorse. He had committed acts of misconduct that resulted in the guru's manifestation, in a wrathful form, as a warning. During his meditation, he could feel the ground trembling so much that he could not even sit still and fell on the floor. Later, he wrote a letter of repentance.


Another individual had prayed for the guru's blessings. This disciple was suffering from an illness and had come down with a high fever. He suddenly saw the guru approaching, holding a bottle of nectar in his hand which was poured into his body through his crown, curing him of his high fever. He saw his guru touching his head with his hands and felt a surge of gratitude filling his heart, that left him in tears. This disciple, who was suffering from high fever, felt a cool and refreshing rush in his body when the nectar entered his head. He recovered completely the next day.


Another individual had prayed for the guru's blessings in his forty-nine day practices. On the forty-ninth day of his meditation, he suddenly felt a shaft of white light that descended from the sky. In an instant he experienced a clear vision of all things. His body and mind were transformed into white light, and he experienced a sudden increase in wisdom. What he had not understood in the past suddenly made sense to him. He was a different dharma student. In the past, he faced difficulties in each step of his dharma study. Since receiving the blessings of the guru, he gained yogic union through the path of Dharma. He felt the constant presence of his guru, enjoyed a sense of lightness in his body and mind, and found joy that he had never experienced before. The teachings, which were once incomprehensible to him, were now accessible, and he could apply them to his life.

He made three major vows:


1.He would make an offering to his guru every month without fail.

2.He would practice a total of 108 sessions of the Ksitigarbha Deliverance that was transmitted to him by the guru, to liberate spirits in the netherworld.


3.He would become a great dharma protector for his guru, and revered the guru as a buddha. He vowed to follow the guru in all future lives.


One disciple had prayed for the guru's blessings. He had an experience in which he witnessed spots of white, red, green, yellow and blue colored lights that were the size of medicine pills. The disciple was amazed because the appearance of medicine in space corresponded with the disciple's practice of the Medicine Buddha Yoga. The medicine circled three times in space before falling into his hands. Ever since then, the patients who received help from him through the Medicine Buddha Yoga were healed from their illnesses. He was overjoyed and wrote a letter to inform me of this occurrence. Actually I knew about it long before he wrote the letter.

There was a disciple who practiced Guru Yoga diligently but he was ridiculed by a Vajrayana practitioner from a different order. Once, the practitioner slandered me in front of my disciple, and in defense, my disciple said, “Master Sheng-yen Lu is the  Lion King Vajra. He is a master who has attained the supreme perfect enlightenment. How dare you insult my guru! If my guru were false, you would certainly have no sin. But if my guru is a genuine one, try insulting him forty-nine times and you may receive retribution at once.”

The practitioner laughed out loud and condemned me, repeating, “Sheng-yen Lu is a false master” forty-nine times. Upon completion, he retaliated by asking, “So, where is my retribution?” My disciple left in silence. Three months later, the same practitioner went to a friend's place, which happened to be a timber factory. A crane was picking up a huge log, which accidentally struck the practitioner as it rotated. The practitioner instantly vomited blood and died later at his home. This incident happened in Malaysia.      

A disciple had requested the blessings of the guru and in his meditation, he saw many gods entering into his meditation room, encircling him one after another. Subsequently a god in golden armor came and said to the rest of the gods, “Master Sheng-yen Lu has arrived in the sky above.” The gods looked up and saw white light illuminating the sky, which was as bright as a lightning flash. Upon closer examination, they saw the guru appearing with a gold body, seated on a lotus throne and emitting the aura light from his crown. Then the assembly of gods placed their palms together in respect and uttered their praise, “In this universal great dharma affinity we shall take refuge. We, the dragons and gods, are willing to protect the Dharma.”                                  


-To Be Continued-

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