●Book 51─Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra

●Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

●Chapter  thirteenth

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During the Supreme Bliss state, the winds flow through the channel knots and fan up the [flames of the] psychic heat, which then circulate through the entire body. At this time, mind and matter become a single entity, creating a state of balance and synchronization. The inherent nature of the mind emerges, and divine guidance manifests. This stage is considered the initial stage of samadhi in Mahamudra.

After the initial state, if the practitioner can tune his inherent mind to the supreme consciousness of the cosmos and immerse in the deep state of samadhi, the type of meditative absorption experienced will transform from that of a layman to a sage. If he continues to achieve union even after his inherent mind has totally merged with the universe, then he will attain the ability to transform to any spiritual state at will. If he can remain in this state for an extended period of time, including the moment of his departure, he will be able to unshackle himself from the chain of cyclic existence, achieve Buddhahood in the present body, and reap the fruition of great liberation and release. 

In the state of Supreme Bliss, hallucinations may appear when the psychic heat passes through the channel knots. These hallucinations are manufactured by the mara states, causing one to potentially have mental disorders. In the supreme state, one will experience a sensation of lightness, as though one is floating in space. One may even find oneself drifting in an ethereal realm, and then disappearing into the void completely. All forms of illusions and delusions suddenly appear and some practitioners will become enthralled by these hallucinations. As a result, they may generate likes and dislikes, or be attached to taking and giving, which causes them to develop grasping. Once grasping arises, they will fall into the net of the mara states. Thus, it is of vital importance throughout the practice to properly handle the hallucinations.  

In most Sutrayana traditions, the secrets of the psychic heat practice are a taboo, due to the fear that most mundane humans are not spiritually steady enough. When individuals reach the supreme state, they may fall into the mara states soon after. Therefore, the teachings in the Sutrayana traditions focus on reciting the buddha's name. The teachings emphasize that by relying on the buddhas and the power of Amitabha Buddha, people will be reborn in the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss. After arriving there, people can continue to pursue the path of Buddhahood. This is a safer way to avoid the mara states.

I first studied Taoism, followed by Sutrayana, before I finally settled and focused on Vajrayana. I have been wanting to write the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra book for quite a while. I mastered the Eighteen Assemblies in the Vajrasekhara [Sutra], and received the full pith teachings and transmissions in the Five Tantras of Garbhadhatu. Thus, I am capable of validating the quintessence of the Three Secrets in Vajrayana. However, I see that the natural capacities in sentient beings are quite far apart. Therefore, I want to emphasize that if anyone is inspired by this book and would like to practice the Highest Yoga Tantra, he must first seek an authentic guru, take refuge in him, and receive the empowerments before starting the practice. People should not blindly dive into the practice without proper guidance from a qualified master. In Tibet, only a few adepts have the high qualifications required to practice Mahamudra. Those who merely show vague curiosity, who have insufficient concentration, or who have weak spiritual energy, are destined to fall into the mara states.

Many Tibetan lamas and Chinese Vajrayana practitioners have reservations about the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra. They are afraid of falling into the mara realms and losing all of their accomplishments due to the lack of timely guidance from the guru, during the Supreme Bliss state. Because additional detailed instructions are required from the vajra guru, owning a copy of the Highest Yoga Tantra and Mahamudra book still does not entitle you to practice Mahamudra. Please remember this point, and remember it well! 

 –To Be Continued–

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