■Book 103 -     The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 


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To begin this short article, allow me to quote from a letter:

Om Mani Padme Hum

My most respectful Grandmaster,

Time flies, it has been more than a month since I received your reply of 12th September. Please accept my apology for not written in to thank you earlier, for which my sister had complained many times already.

You are kind enough to bestow a Gui Ren (lucky man) charm to my sister and at the same time empower her and her friend with radiating lights. Their unwholesome karma have since reduced considerably. They also came to realise your timely reminder and helps. We are very glad indeed. My sister has been suffering from gastric problems, and has never been on a vegetarian diet before. After she read your reply, she went on a vegetarian diet for a whole day and chanted one thousand and eighty times of guru mantra. She also began to chant True Buddha Sutra one to two times a day. Whenever she is free, she will chant the guru mantra silently. No words could describe her inner gratification to you. As she can't write well, she asked me to write in on her behalf. Please forgive her discourtesy.

My sister was very happy to have communicated with you. She has the greatest faith in you. She could feel the empowerment by your Buddha light, which is strong and great. She was very happy to tell us ,one day after finished chanting one thousand and eighty times of guru mantra with the utmost sincere heart, she went to bed. When she was about to sleep, she saw two halos with green light vividly. The same thing happened again about ten days ago, when two gold yellow halos radiating light on her...

What is your explanation?....

Lately, when disciples asking for charms, I wanted them to chant guru mantra one thousand and eighty times.

The short mantra will do.

The short mantra is ”Om guru lian-Shen sidhi Hum”

The meaning of the mantra is ”the great teacher of the universe, the Pure Buddha Land of Living Buddha Lian-Shen, may everything be accomplished.”

Why must we chant this mantra?

Because when you ask for a charm, you must be very devoted. With a sincere attitude, the charm will be effective. This is a fact all of us know.

Once you chant the mantra, there will be spiritual response with Padmakumara. The Lotus Youth (Living Buddha Lian-Shen) will be able to empower and protect you, and everything you asked will be fulfilled.

There must be spiritual response in order to use charm, and chanting mantra will lead to spiritual response.

A green halo - is to bestow dharma medicine.

A golden yellow halo is to increase the causation with Buddha.

Those who see the halos of guru mantra will have great causation with Buddha and will get great merit.

What is the guru mantra?

It is a dharani, a magnificent dharma of the guru. An enlightened person who after seeing the true self, will culminate his true experience into a mantra. Vajra guru Lian Shen's heart mantra can be one of the following:

Long mantra - Om Ah Hum, Guru peh, Ah ho sasah maha, Lian-Shen sidhi Hum.

Short mantra - Om Guru, Lian-Shen sidhi Hum.

One word mantra - Hum.

Chanting guru mantra is:

Chanting the guru mantra secretly,

your prayer will be answered.

With the utmost sincere heart,

is the greatest secret.

Linking with the guru,

there are endless uses.


-To Be Continued-

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