■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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Two revered monks, dharma master Dao An of Wu Zhong temple in Xian and dharma master Jing Xi of Tian Tai sect, said before:

Dharmakaya is Vairocana Buddha.

Sambhogakaya is Locana Buddha.

Nirmakaya is Shakyamuni Buddha.

The Tian Tai Tantra believed, Vairocana and Shakyamuni Buddha are one and the same Buddha. The dharmakaya is Vairocana and the Nirmakaya is Shakyamuni Buddha.

In the Tantra, the Five Directional Buddhas are:

Amosha Buddha is also known as Kai Fu Hua Wang Buddha in the Garbhadhatu, and Kai Fu Hua Wang Buddha is another name of Shakyamuni Buddha, that is why we may also say Shakyamuni Buddha is Amosha Buddha.

Moreover we say Buddha Eye the mother of all Buddhas embodies Vairocana and Shakyamuni Buddha, her real name is:

”all the Buddha eyes with great auspicious Vajra, hearts of mother of all the Buddhas.”

The Tantric Sutra of Zha Nu mentioned :

The first cultivation is known as Yoga,

The second Shui Yoga,

The third Shan Yoga,

and the fourth Maha Yoga.

Guan Shi explained:”Vajrasattva is yoga......if the wheel is prefect, it will be known as Shan Yoga. Empower the body, speech, and mind and the eyes of the deities; and enter into the wheel of wisdoms, and praise the maha-offerings is called Maha yoga.”

Yoga means spiritual response.

I believe by using the third Shan Yoga, we are able to change into our root deity and enter into the chakras (wheels) of lotus flowers and reside there to be born as the deity. The chakras will then be even more perfect.

In other words, if a Tantric cultivator has reached the level of Shan yoga, he can change into all kinds of deities to make the chakras perfect.

For the same reason, I am able to change into the 32 forms of Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha, Unrestrained Flower Light Buddha, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhsattva, and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.......

Changing into others was mentioned in the Pu Men Pin:

”If there are human beings, that must be succoured by the body of Buddha, Avalokitesvara will change into the body of Buddha to give the sermon...........” 

I go through all the troubles to extract this paragraph to prove that :

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Changing into many forms and landing in many lands to succour sentient beings.

And now.

Living Buddha Lian Shen,

Changing into many forms and landing in many lands to succour sentient beings.

Many disciples saw me changing myself to Shakyamuni Buddha.

When they chanted the guru heart Mantra, Amitabha Buddha appeared. They even saw Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva - the king of the nether world had the same face as me Living Buddha Lian Shen Sheng-Yen Lu .

I am telling you the truth.

When I first had my deva-eyes opened, I made a vow, upon enlightenment:

I shall fly to the residence of Peach Pond Golden Mother, and help her (the king of all deities) to succour all sentient beings.

I shall fly to the Western Pure land, the residence of Amitabha Buddha, and help him (the king of the Buddhas) to succour all sentient beings.

And finally I shall fly to the nether world, the residence of Ksitigarbha to help him (king of the nether world) to succour all sentient beings.

I shall not forget about my vow.

Later on I learned my past:

Vairocana––Buddha eye Mother of Buddhas––Padmakumara––Living Buddha Lian Shen.

Thereafter, Shakyamuni Buddha reaffirmed me as”Unrestrained Flower Light Buddha.”

As I have cultivated the dharma of”Perfect Heavenly Wheel”, I am able to manifest in any body I want. It is nothing strange for me to assume the body of Shakyamuni Buddha. The reason is obvious.


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