文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥








 A Mantra is the Treasury of Meditation

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
 Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
 True Buddha Translation Teams

  In this short article, I shall reveal ‘The Practice of Casting Light with Mantra and Entering into Samadhi’. 

  This practice is rarely transmitted in public, and that makes it extremely precious.
  The practitioner forms the mudra of his personal deity and visualizes his personal deity entering into himself. In an instant, he is transformed into the deity with all the thirty-two major signs and eighty minor characteristics of a buddha, displaying a perfect aura of light. He then visualizes touching his crown chakra with the deity’s mudra and plants the syllable OM. Then he touches his throat chakra to plant the syllable AH, touches his heart chakra to plant the syllable HUM, touches his navel chakra to plant the syllable SO and finally touches his root chakra to plant the syllable HA (All syllables in Sanskrit letters for this particular visualization)
  The syllable OM is planted at the crown chakra; its colour is white, radiating infinite light to remove all karmic hindrances.
  The syllable AH is planted at the throat chakra; its colour is red, illuminating all dense darkness to generate the wisdom of the Tathagata.
  The syllable HUM is planted at the heart chakra; its colour is blue, like pure lapis lazuli, speeding the cultivator towards the other shore.
  The syllable SO is planted at the navel chakra; its colour is yellow, seated on the vajra throne, it swiftly turns the Dharma wheel.
  The syllable HA is planted at the root chakra; its colour is green. All is auspicious and complete, swiftly bringing the cultivator to the state of Nirvana.
  By planting the seed syllables and visualizing the respective colours of light, the cultivator forms the true body of the personal deity. In so doing, all past karmic transgressions are removed and one receives blessings, great wisdom and purity. Visualizing the seed syllables and colours in this way helps one enter Samadhi quickly and arrive at the Siddhi of the personal deity. This is due to the incredible inherent nature of each mantra syllable.
  Mantra in its true origin is ‘unborn’, and thus has neither a beginning nor an end; and as such, nothing is attained. Therefore, it is not subject to creation and destruction, and so is not subject to defilement. As it is not defiled, supreme awareness is gained. Furthermore, there is nothing to differentiate, so one is left in a state of equanimity. In this state, one rises beyond cause and effect and enters into the absolute truth, thereby verifying the suchness of the Dharma realm. This is entering into Samadhi.
  Let me draw your attention to the above paragraph, as it illustrates the stages of entering into Samadhi, beginning with ‘the origin is unborn’ and progressing to verifying ‘the suchness of the Dharma realm’.
  The Great Compassion Heart Sutra states, ‘Dharani is the treasury of meditation, as hundreds and thousands of Samadhi states often manifest through it.’

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