文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥


A Mantra is the Infinite Dharma Treasury of All Buddhas

 Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
 Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
 True Buddha Translation Teams

When the Buddha expounded the Dharma, it included both the Sutric and Vajrayana teachings. The Sutric teachings touch widely on the principles of Buddhism and the nature of phenomena. It enlightens one on the subjects of emptiness and appearance, through which one cultivates and attains the Truth body, and arrives at the other shore. The Vajrayana teachings emphasize the recitation of secret mantras with little explanation, yet they lead one to attaining Buddhahood at once.
When I first studied the mantras, my teacher Reverend Liao Ming related to me two incredible and incomprehensible examples:
Example one. When cultivating the rice offering practice, the Vajrayana practitioner holds the rice in his hand, and upon completion of the mandala offering mantra, he casts the rice as a spiritual offering. Should a bird consume the rice, which has been blessed by the power of mantra, the bird shall attain Buddhahood in a future life.
Example two. If a person walks under a temple』s wooden sign inscribed with the six-syllable mantra, and it happens that a wind blows the dust off the wooden board and the dust falls onto the person, the person』s karma shall be removed completely. The seed of bodhi shall be planted into his heart and in a future life this individual shall definitely attain Buddhahood.
When these two examples were related to me, they really made a strong impression in my mind. Mantra is the very essence and body of the secret Dharma realm. It shows incredible effects when applied through the actions of the Three Secrets. It is the most supreme vehicle of all Dharma. Mantra belongs in the Dharma realm of the formless, through which all buddhas are born. It houses immeasurable Dharma treasures.
When I read the Dharani Pitaka (the Buddhist Canon of Mantras), I discovered this:
Buddha, in his compassion for future sentient beings, spoke of the mantras. Should Buddhists accept and recite these mantras, their karma of ten thousand, a million, or infinite kalpas, including karma of the five unpardonable transgressions, will be completely eliminated.
Should anyone recite the mantras, all bodhisattvas shall become his or her good companions. The practitioner shall have the opportunity to meet all buddhas wherever he or she is born, and the individual』s cultivation shall be accelerated towards attaining the Supreme Perfect Enlightenment.
Should the class of sentient beings whose merits and blessings are few, and whose natural capacity to cultivate the Dharma and their Bodhyanga (factors of enlightenment) are literally non-existent, decide to recite a Buddha mantra just once, these sentient beings shall be instantly blessed with the growth of their capacity for enlightenment. Therefore, by reciting mantra diligently, they would definitely attain Buddhhood based on the merits of their effort.
It is said in the Dharani Pitaka that by reciting mantras, the thousands of actions from the six perfections shall be naturally complete.

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