文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥



Vitality Pill
Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Amy Zhou
Edited by Jason Yu and Jessie Loh
Proofread by Lufang Hsiung

I know a musician who travels around Taiwan singing Nakasi songs. He is my disciple, and was somewhat of a hunchback as his vertebra was crooked and he could not straighten his back.
Every time he saw me, he would ask, “Grand Master, please hit my back for me.”
So, I gathered all my mental and physical strength and vigorously slapped the musician's back while chanting, “Hum, hum, hum.” Strangely, as soon as I slapped his back, his spine straightened and he was no longer hunchbacked. “It's a miracle!" he shouted, "A miracle!”
Subsequently, wherever I traveled to preach dharma, as long as the musician was present, he would request without fail, “Grand Master! Please hit my back for me again.” (I had become a chiropractor.)
I smiled, “Is it not straight now?”
The musician responded, “Prevention is better than a cure.”
Now, while in seclusion at Leaf Lake, I myself have become acutely ill too - having developed the grave condition of the brain spiritually dividing into eight parts and the disintegration of the four elements. However, I take it in stride. If I am to suffer, so be it! I accept it!
Fortunately, in samadhi, I can still spiritually travel and leave behind the physical pain. Energetic like a dragon or tiger, I continue with my spiritual journeys without the burdensome physical body.
In samadhi, I meet the musician again; we certainly have affinity. He is full of humor, and whenever he sees someone, he tells them the miracle of how Grand Master straightened his hunchback with a vigorous pat. Seeing that he is steadfast in his faith, I give his back a pat even in samadhi. Whether he knows it is not my concern; after all, it is done.
Once, the musician was so busy and tired that his sleeping posture was distorted. A result of rushing about for his livelihood!
I entered his dream.
In my hand, I held a plate with a few pills on it. I offered the plate to the musician.
“What kind of pills are they?” he inquired.
“They are vitality pills,” I answered.
I continued, “You are becoming old as well, and life is difficult, so here's something that will increase your vitality a little!”
“Where did Grand Master travel from?”
“Leaf Lake.”
“Grand Master works too hard.”
“All sentient beings suffer, so how can I not suffer?”
After ingesting the vitality pills, the musician's back has become even straighter, and he has become strong and robust. His voice is bright and resonant, and wherever he sings his Nakasi songs, he also broadcasts my extraordinary powers, ha ha!

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