文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥



Rescue of a Test-Taker

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Amy Zhou
Edited by Jason Yu and Jessie Loh
Proofread by Lufang Hsiung

 There once was an exceptional student whose grades always placed him at the top of his class. He had great ambitions.
 One year, he took part in the most important examination of his life. He was sure that he knew how to solve all of the math questions that were on the exam, so he was confident that he would get a perfect score.
 One question after another, he completed his calculations with ease.
 Among the questions was one that was not difficult, and was in fact a question that he had worked out the answer to in the past. Logically, he should have been able to solve the problem, but curiously an obstruction appeared out of the blue and he was suddenly unable to think of the key to unlocking the answer. He started sweating profusely, knowing that if he were to miss this question, he would lose ten points.
 His previously clear and carefree mind had surprisingly tied itself into a knot.
 This situation is similar to certain moments in my writing career. I would suddenly find myself unable to remember how to write a particular word. Normally I know how to write it and I have also written it in the past, but at that point in time, I could not think of it. Whichever way I wrote it on scrap paper, it did not look right.
 In the end, when I looked the word up in the dictionary, I would say to myself, “Oh! So that’s how you write it!”
 The test-taker was in the exact same situation; he was unable to solve a math problem that he normally would have no trouble working out.
 He thought about it from all angles, but he could not come up with the answer.
 He steadily became more worried, panicky, and confused.
 He was so worried that he wanted to cry.
 All of a sudden, he remembered that he was wearing a talisman of Living Buddha Lian-sheng. He touched the talisman and chanted, “Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum.”
 In an instant, he was able to unlock the answer to the problem. Thinking that he had received his desired response, he quickly recalled what he had learned and swiftly solved the problem. The answer was so simple and clear, he was sure he would get a perfect score!
 This test-taker always keeps Grand Master in his heart.
 As soon as the dakinis heard his cry for help, they came to his rescue.
 I believe that it is very important to be earnest, sincere, and undistracted in one's prayers. It is also important, especially for a spiritual cultivator, to maintain one’s initial resolve with a long-lasting determination to practice.
 Cultivation is hard, but this hardship is an illusion (treat it as a dream).
 Think it over.
 Understand it.

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