文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥

The Practice of Subjugation

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

Someone once said, “The subjugation practice of Vajrayana Buddhism is no different from the spell casting practice of Voodoo!”
Then the person added, “The subjugation practice brings only harm to people, causing them to contract cancer and tumours, encounter accidents, die in a car crash and so forth.”
Such opinions may seem terrifying, but in reality it is far from truth. The subjugation practice of Vajrayana is performed to subjugate all evil spiritual entities, ferocious dragons and beasts that harm all living beings. It is also performed to subjugate all evil men who cause harm to countries and their people, including those who have betrayed the truth, have caused destruction to the Triple Jewels and mantras, or have created hindrances to those who recite mantras. Such evil men shall be dealt with by the mantra practitioner whose great compassion is exercised through cultivating the subjugation practice.
The Vajrayana Tantras state, “If one cultivates the subjugation practice to settle a personal score or do so out of selfish desires, one shall meet with misfortune.”
This explains that the subjugation practice has to be cultivated for the good of all and not for settling personal scores and dealing with enemies. The Vajrayana Tantras add, “If an evil man is feeling unsettled in his body and mind, is down with a grave illness, or near the brink of death, we must advise him to mend his ways and repent. If repentance is genuine, we should perform recitation to bring about purification so that he avoids any calamity.”
Let me say that the cultivation of subjugation practice must be accompanied by great compassion.
1. Cultivate it for the good of all.
2. Cultivate it to deliver evil men.
The subjugation practice of Vajrayana is definitely far from what is being circulated by the uninitiated, which is that it is the same as the spell casting magic of voodoo. The subjugation practice of Vajrayana is not meant to harm others, but intended to save them from further transgressions.
When cultivating the subjugation practice, one must include these syllables in the mantra: HUM HUM HUM VAJRA.
The body mudra of subjugation practice is rather unique in that it requires one to crouch, with the left leg pressed against the right.
I, Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu have never exercised the subjugation practice for the sole reason that I like to let things take their natural course. The Law of Cause and Effect is always at work, and whatever that comes shall come, and whatever that leaves shall leave. I simply let things be.

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