文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥

The Mirror Shrine Psychic Hearing Method
Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

To my knowledge, there are many cultivation methods for developing the listening faculty of gathering information by listening to spiritual beings. The Taoist ways include the Spiritual Child Psychic Hearing Method, the Lads of Good and Evil Psychic Hearing Method, and the Spiritual Beings Psychic Hearing Method. In Buddhism, there is the supernatural faculty of divine hearing and so forth.
Vajrayana Buddhism has its method of psychic hearing. In the Practice of the Dharani of Cundi, the Mother of Seven Kotis of Buddhas, it mentions the method of psychic hearing through the mirror shrine. The practice is detailed as follows:
“The Buddha says: If a person dwells in quiet meditation, and recites the mantra up to two hundred, four hundred or six hundred thousand times, he shall gain accomplishments in all worldly and transcendental practices. Should an ordained Buddhist or a lay Buddhist cleanse his mouth with pure water and face the East, forming the Cundi Mudra in front of a mirror, and recite the mantra 108 times for 49 consecutive days, there shall follow an auspicious occurrence in which Cundi Bodhisattva shall command two sages to keep the person in good company. And whenever the person has a question, he shall receive answers from the two sages who shall whisper the information into his ears.”
Who are these two sages? The sutra does not reveal their names. But I know their identities: they are none other than the two dragon kings Nanda and Upananda. Or they can also be two celestial rulers known as Suddha from Suddhavasa, the Pure Heavenly Abodes.
During the early days, I did cultivate the Lads of Good and Evil Psychic Hearing Method, which I subsequently taught to my mother. Thus, at my home, Ling Xian Jing She (Spiritual Immortal Place) in Taichung, Taiwan were enshrined two statues of the Lads of Good and Evil, whose one hand points to heaven and other hand points to earth.
I personally feel that the Taoist art of the Spiritual Child Psychic Hearing Method is of a lower spiritual level, similar to the psychic art of keeping little ghosts. Those who take the path of proper cultivation should avoid this art. It would be better to learn the Mirror Shrine Psychic Hearing Method. This method utilizes a clean mirror which has not been used previously, and which is erected before a statue or painting of Cundi. Make offerings of flowers, incense, lamp, tea and fruits to Cundi on the night of the fifteenth day of each month.
Recite the Cundi Mantra in front of the mirror, forming the mudra while reciting, and use the mirror as your shrine. In this way, you shall achieve attainment.
Upon the completion of mantra recitation, the mirror must be stored away in a container, as this mirror shrine should not be visible to others. If it were to be seen, accomplishment would be impossible. Therefore one should keep this practice secret to oneself, and should not disclose your practice to anyone.
The Mirror Shrine Psychic Hearing Method involves a set of pith instructions which are required for cultivation success. One must request this transmission from the Root Guru.

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