文/蓮生活佛  盧勝彥



Debating Skills

Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
Translated by Cheng Yew Chung edited by Victor Hazen
True Buddha Translation Teams

When I first graduated from my studies, my guru told me, “In the future, you will be preaching the Dharma to the world. But your natural disposition is to be a quiet and inarticulate character. How should we resolve this?”
I was indeed reticent in my ways and fit all description of an introvert. I had stage fright whenever I needed to give a speech, and in a halting voice I asked my guru, “Guru please teach me a way to resolve this!”
My guru then enlightened me, “First visualize the syllable RAM( ) on the tongue, and then visualize the syllable transformed into the syllable HUM(). Following that, recite OM RAM HUM 108 times, and your tongue shall become dexterous!”
My guru also transmitted another practice to me: Visualize an eight-petalled lotus born from the throat chakra. On the lotus flower is the syllable AH(). Visualize the syllable AH transforming into the moon disc, which subsequently changes into the syllable HUM. The syllable HUM is then transformed into a five-pronged vajra. Visualize this vajra move up to the tongue. This is known as the vajra tongue. With this visualization, recite the three syllable mantra of OM AH HUM 108 times. After doing this, you would become very eloquent in your oratory and debating skills.
Subsequently, I received another practice: The heart chakra of the practitioner is transformed into an eight-petalled lotus moon disc. The centre of the moon disc is imprinted with the Sanskrit syllable DHI(). Above the syllable is lined the heart mantra of Manjushri Bodhisattva OM AH RA PA CA NA DHI, which is transformed into the Manjushri Sword. The tip of this sword is aligned with the tip of the practitioner’s tongue. The practitioner moves his tongue in both upward and sideward movements, and then recites the Manjushri Mantra 108 times.
The practitioner makes a prayer and dedication:
May Manjushri Bodhisattva bless my vajra tongue so that it facilitates the preaching of Dharma.
To what end does facing the wall in meditation lead?
It serves to open the heart so that one may see the original source.
Upon the Dharma throne sits a son of buddha.
Everything he expounds naturally falls into place.
When you attain accomplishment with this practice, your delivery of speech becomes most eloquent, for your words shall be gems of truth. You shall reach and deliver countless sentient beings in the most convincing way, and attain the highest path together.

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