■Le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng    Sheng-yen Lu

■Journal des voyages spirituels

  ~Un autre genre de manifestation du prodige~

■Traduit du chinois par Sandrine Fang

■Copyright © Sheng-yen Lu ©2011, Éditions Darong

I asked: ”What is the matter?”

They answered: ”We have learned Buddhism for a number of years now. We understand how to tame our heart, how to be pure, we are able to uphold it in the day time. At night , it has become a routine, we will ejaculate a lot after a few days. We kept quiet, for we are unable to vindicate. This is a human nature. For an ordinary person once it is full, it will overflow, it is normal.

But as a cultivator, to ejaculate is ridiculous. Whether there is ejaculation, we know ourselves. The young ones will ejaculate a lot. For the older monks, maybe because of their age, the quantity is not so much.”

I asked :”Why do you come here to see me?”

They answered:” We have your spiritual books. You mentioned about how the monks wet the bed. Although you did not give the solution, we have the feeling that you know how to deal with the problem. We hope you could teach us, so that we can solve our long suffering.”

They also said:” From the Living Buddha's sermon, we know you are cultivating ”Non-leaking”. 

We know there are many types of non-leaking, such as non-leaking in troubles, non-leaking in wisdom, non-leaking in material. The last one is in fact non-leaking of sperm. A male must cultivate until his sperm is not leaking, and a female without menstruation. This is to cultivate ”cutting off”, it is not when you are old, nature takes it course and cut you off, by then you are too old to be a cultivator.When we hear that Living Buddha Lian Shen has mastered ”non-leaking”, we have high hope that you will be merciful and teach us the solution.”

I understand the dharma masters of Mahayana school of Buddhism never cultivate Qi, Mai and Ming Dian. They only know of the triple gem of Buddha, dharma and sangha, and Precept, tranquillity and wisdom. They do not know how to cultivate their bodies. They thought by sheer endurance, they will be able to achieve non-leaking. This is very difficult, even if the sexual organ is removed, there will still be ejaculation.

It is not uncommon to see dharma masters of Mahayana school of Buddhism wet their beds.

Even for the gurus of Tantra, without many years of cultivation in Qi, Mai and Ming Dian, and without achieving certain level of response, it is a difficult task to be non-leaking.

There are four levels of Tantra.

Assembly of external cultivation (wai Yuan hui) - purification of body, speech and mind.

Assembly of internal cultivation-(nei Yuan hui) - cultivation of Qi, mai and Ming Dian.

Assembly of tantric cultivation (mi Yuan hui) - the most profound section.

Assembly of the most profound tantric cultivation (Mimi Yuan hui) - the Maha perfection dharma.

I wanted them to take refuge in me first.

They had difficulties, but finally agreed to take refuge secretly.

I know their pains, once they take refuge in me, they will not be able to face their teacher. They might be ousted out from the complacent traditional Buddhism fraternity.

after their secret refuge, I taught them

sleeping light dharma - sleeping in brightness.

Dream Mahamudra dharma - purification of dreams

Ming Dian dharma - descend, ascend, hold, and spread

My dharma is to cultivate the physical body. The sperm that is full will be turned into Qi by fire, and the Qi will flow in the whole body.

My special skills will enable all the monks to master the act of non-leaking; and all the nuns have their menses stopped.

In the near future, I will let all the True Buddha disciples have the key to success when teaching at the Rainbow Lodge.


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