■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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When carrying out the Tantric Puja, there must be a root image.

My habit is:

To eradicate misfortune - root image is Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara - the compassion to succour.

To accumulate merit-root image is yellow fortune god - treasure and willingness to help.

To have loving kindness- root image is Cundi mother of buddhas-eagerness and assimilation.

To tame the evil-root - image is Achala - prowess and mediation.

In Tibet, many gurus have the following habit:

To eradicate misfortune - Green Tara.

To accumulate merit - Yellow fortune god.

To have loving kindness- Gulu Gulie mother of Buddhas. 

To tame the evil - Mahakala.

The Tantric puja derives its enormous power from two sources, the tranquility of the presider, and the ”other power” from Buddhas, Bodhisattva and other saints. With two sources of power, the effectiveness of empowerment is double.

The tantric Puja can be used:

1. Before and after the retreat.

2. Protection.

3. Getting rid of unwholesome karma.

4. Curing sickness.

5. Empowerment by the cosmic power.

6. Enhancement of dharma power.

7. Birthdays of all the saints, empowerment rituals, building temples, soul deliverance, protection of a country, prosperity and other good deeds.

The items used in the fire puja are many and varied:

Clothes - for the body of the root deity.

Food - for the mouth of the root deity.

Fragrance - for the body of the root deity.

Flowers - for the hand of the root deity.

Tea - for the surrounding of the root deity.

The key to the success is the cultivator, the root deity and fire must be in unification.

Generally, the rite is as follows:

1. Purification and definition of boundary.

2. Invocation and homage.

3. Empowerment of rosary beads, vajra, bell and offerings.

4. Armour protection ritual.

5. Visualisation of root deity (mudra) .

6. Chanting mantra (mudra).

7. Lighting the fire (mudra).

8. Officially making offerings to the root deity (mudra).

9. Making wishes and transference of merit.

The ashes left behind by the fire puja, must be dealt with as follows:

To eradicate misfortune - throw them into flowing water, take some for the patients to consume.

To accumulate merit - bury them in the field. Those doing business, can take some and throw them in the shop.

To have loving kindness - place them at a high ground, or wear them.

To tame the evil - Bury them under a major road, for all to step upon.

I believe that Tantric puja is very important and the responses are very glorious. To have responses, the cultivators of True Buddha School must observe the following:

1. Must be familiar with the ritual, be poised and graceful.

2. Must pray sincerely,to increase confidence.

3. Must be protected by the eight beings from the celestial world.

4. Must have the tranquility power.

5. Must make great vows.

6. Must fulfil perfectly all the conditions for puja.

7. Participants must have full confidence.

The responses from the Tantric Buddhism's fire puja is not accidental. Each and every puja conducted will have many miracles. This is a very special skill, to be in unification with the cosmic power. The result is delightful.

The new testament of Bible recorded that Jesus Christ created many miracles. We are able to do the same miracles now, we are enjoying the fruit of success.       

 -To be continued-

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