■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

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The second letter - 'Stone in the gall has disappeared'


Talking about the puja ritual, I must praise the almighty power of Grandmaster, and thank him accordingly, the miracle is as follows:

December 28,1991 was a cold night, despite strong north wind, and drizzling, at the Hong Kong government stadium, the seats were all occupied. Our respected Grandmasters leading the gurus from all over the world entered the stadium solemnly with a compassionate heart to conduct the most wonderful puja ritual in Hong Kong's history for the sake of succouring human beings.

That night, our 5 family members together with family members of my brother and sister and my mother -- more than ten of us took part.

Since my gall has a few stones, and my cholesterol level is high, when the Grand master was doing the ritual, I concentrated and pressed the gall sincerely, and prayed that the grand master could heal my stones in the gall, so that I don't have to go for an operation in future. I did not have any feeling after the ritual. September this year, I went for routine checkup. after blood test, urine test and laser scanning, I was very surprised to note apart from high cholesterol, I am normal in every aspect. My stones in the gall had disappeared without treatment.

I knew instantly, it was the Grandmaster's dharma power that created this miracle. When I went home, immediately, I burned incense and prayed to the Grandmaster to thank his healing me. Grandmaster, I am really indebted to you, I am willing to be your witness!

 On the other hand, I regretted I did not at the same time prayed that the Grandmaster could heal my cholesterol level and solve my court case? Am I asking too much? Please forgive me!

Many wrote to inform me their sickness had been cured after the ritual. Some of them, only wrote in one year later to ensure they did not have a relapse.

If I were to publish all the letters, I have to write ten books.

Gallstones vanished.

Tumour evaporated.

Cancer disappeared.

The hole in heart was closed.

Pneumonia cured.

Recovered from lupus.

Reproduction of decomposed skins.

A lady by the name of ”Xun Yan Zi” was even more excited. As she was born with uneven legs, one leg is shorter by a palm's length. She has to take a dip for every step.

She took part in the ritual.

Returning home she dreamed that a goddess with flowers came to observe her body. Her legs were measured many times, in fact more than ten times. The goddess broke the flower branches into more than ten parts.

The ludicrous thing is that she put the branches into her legs, opened and closed her legs for more than ten times, as if she was performing an operation.

Awaken the second day, she felt normal when her legs touched the ground. Together with her child, she was very thrilled to celebrate her new life. 

Succouring human beings is a tough job filled with a lot of obstacles. When they are free from troubles, you will feel very happy and delighted.



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