■Book 200 - Pages of Enlightenment

■Written by Master Sheng-yen Lu 

Chapter three

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 In the chapter “Direct Revelation,” I mentioned an arrogant person who claimed to attain enlightenment. Yet, why am I certain that he has not achieved enlightenment? I know that because he claimed that Tibetan Buddhism is a faith perverted by sexual misconduct. Just on that statement alone, I am certain that he doesn't know what enlightenment is.

Let me explain to him:

In the wisdom eye of enlightened people, there is no such thing as good or evil; they do not take sides. By accusing Tibetan Buddhism of being a faith perverted by sexual misconduct, you have taken a side (exposed your flaw). You definitely aren't enlightened. You don't even know what enlightenment is. You have a long way to go. You made me laugh my socks off!

You said that in the Buddha's three turnings of the dharma wheel, the absolute truth was only revealed in the scriptures of the third turning of the dharma wheel. I want you to pay close attention to this exchange between Shakyamuni Buddha and Manjushri Bodhisattva:

When Shakyamuni Buddha was about to enter nirvana, Manjushri Bodhisattva implored the Buddha not to leave. Manjushri pleaded, “Buddha, please stay in this world to teach the dharma. Buddha, please turn the dharma wheel once again.”

The Buddha replied, “Manjushri, you have great wisdom. Even you don't realize that I have never taught any dharma nor have I turned the dharma wheel?”

Only then did Manjushri Bodhisattva regain his composure and realize the true essence of the Buddha's teachings.

Now, let me ask you: Did the Buddha give any dharma teachings? Did the Buddha turn the dharma wheel? I will hit you on your head with a vajra if you say yes. Have you lost your mind? Didn't you claim to be enlightened? You have just slandered the Buddha.

Now let's discuss your accusation that Tibetan Buddhism is a faith perverted by sexual misconduct. In the real world, besides monks, priests, and nuns who abstain from sex to uphold their vows of celibacy, every animal in this world came about as the result of carnal desire. Not just animals alone, even plants are conceived through sexual reproduction. Is sexual desire evil? If sexual desire is evil, then everyone is wicked and evil. 

Your parents' sexual desire led to your birth. Can you guarantee that the sex between your parents was proper? In the eyes of ordinary people, sex is sex. What's proper or improper about it? Is sex necessarily evil? May I remind you that all sentient beings are born as result of sex.

Tibetan Buddhism transforms lust into a method of cultivation involving visualization, mantra chanting, and mudra. It teaches sentient beings that even lust can be used as a means for cultivation (the practitioners must uphold Differentiated Rules of Liberation).

Do not misinterpret this type of cultivation. It is not the perverse act that you are thinking. Do not put your mind in the gutter. Do not let your mind be deviant and evil. There are very few people who are qualified to practice this kind of cultivation anyways (they must have already achieved accomplishment in the cultivation of qi, channels, and drops). 

I think that you have a filthy mind, so you claimed that Tibetan Buddhism is evil. Let me tell you, Vajrayana expands your mind to be boundless, but you don't have what it takes to cultivate Vajrayana teachings. Sorry, you really do not. You are dirty. You don't even know what innate purity is. How can you be considered enlightened?

I say, “You don't understand the meaning of 'neither pure nor impure.'”


Through nothing to gain, 

Hence, we see through,

Anger and greed,

Offenses and delusion,

This is not the opposition of self versus others.

On the level of nothing to gain,

Everything is equal.

That is the genuine truth of the universe.



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