Eradicating All Disasters

■Book 148 - The Power of Mantra

■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu

Translated by Lotus Cheng 

Edited by Luljeta Proofread by Mimosa

A man by the name of Sheng Ding was the chief engineer of a deep-sea fishing ship. When he was in Hong Kong, a friend invited him to consult a very famous fortune-teller skilled in the art of Chinese divination known as Tad-Ban-Shen-Suan, which requires one`s birth date and time, right down to the exact minute. The more accurate the information is, the more precise the divination will be. Sheng Ding felt that this art of divination, first devised by Shao Kang Jie in ancient China, was indeed remarkably accurate.

The fortune-teller stated that Shen Ding`s father was born in the year of the dragon, and Sheng Ding`s mother was born in the year of the monkey. He also mentioned that Sheng Ding has three elder brothers and one younger sister. The above revelation indeed corresponded with the facts. 

The fortune-teller revealed that Sheng Ding`s mother passed away when he was ten years old. Sheng Ding was astonished because what the fortune-teller revealed was indeed true. His mother died of a certain illness when he was just ten years old. The fortune-teller proceeded to describe Sheng Ding`s own destiny: 

Sheng Ding`s livelihood was connected with water. Indeed, Sheng Ding sailed with a deep-sea fishing ship.

When he turned thirty, he met a friend by the surname Xie and lost his money. Certainly, at the age of thirty, a friend with the surname Xie borrowed seven hundred thousand dollars in Taiwanese currency and disappeared.

The most astonishing divination was the revelation of his girlfriend`s surname, Chang, and his monthly salary, which left Sheng dumbfounded. 

Finally, the fortune-teller got to Sheng Ding`s life span. The fortune-teller suddenly became silent. 

Sheng Ding was eager to know how long he was going to live. 

`It is best that you do not know,` replied the fortune-teller. 

`Long or short, it doesn`t matter to me. I can take it,` Sheng Ding said. 

The fortune-teller insisted on being silent about Sheng Ding`s life span. 

Sheng Ding exploded and said, `Look! I told you I don`t mind. People live and die. Long life, short life - so be it. Having a long life may not be a good thing. But I must know how long I am going to live or I`m not going to leave.` 

The fortune-teller was in a very difficult position, but Sheng Ding demanded to know. 

Finally, the fortune-teller picked up one of the books on divination. He flipped to the respective page and showed Sheng Ding what was written on it. The respective sentence stated, `You shall die at age thirty-seven.` 

Thirty-seven? Thirty-seven! Sheng Ding was shocked to learn of his life span. 

Sheng Ding was thirty-five, he thought to himself, and that meant he had another two years before he would leave the world for good. Judging from the accuracy of this fortune-teller, it seemed that his life would surely come to an end at that age. Sheng Ding claimed that he didn`t mind. But his heart was pounding hard. 

Sheng Ding asked, `Is there a way I can change my fate?` 

`Everything is destined by divine will. You can change your destiny through gathering good merits. I can`t help you.` 

`Doing good deeds?` 


`Just like the story of Liao Fan.` Sheng Ding had read that story. 

`Almost,` said the fortune-teller. 

`But is two years enough time for me to change my destiny?` said a worried Sheng Ding. 

The fortune-teller smiled and refused to comment. 

`Is there anyone in the world that can help change my destiny?` 

The fortune-teller said, `To my knowledge, this form of divination is extremely accurate. I am aware that one is able to change one`s destiny, but this is rarely possible. Perhaps you should look this person up and see if he can help you.` 

`Which person?` 

`Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu.` 

`Can he really change my destiny?` 

`Why not give it a try?` 

* * *

When Sheng Ding came to me, he did not mention his consultation with the fortune-teller in Hong Kong. He only forwarded a note stating that he wanted to know how long he would have to live. 

I said to him, `I never do readings to determine the length of one`s life.`

`Why not? Isn`t it possible that we can find out about our marriage, our wealth, our children, our state of prosperity, and certainly our life-span?` 

`Well, you`re right in a way. But if I determine your life span and it turns out to be a short life, you`ll become frightened. To avoid unnecessary complications, I avoid going into it.` 

`Can you make an exception?` Sheng Ding requested. 

`No.` I replied. 

`Alright. Any age is a two-digit number. Perhaps you can determine the last digit of the age rather than the first digit, how about that?` 

I gave it some thought and felt that it was fair enough. The last digit would not give away the length of one`s life span, and was thus meaningless. But I was unclear why Sheng Ding requested to know the last digit of his age of death. 

I consulted the divination and wrote down the number seven. 

Sheng Ding looked at the number and said, `Seven. That`s precisely the number!` 

Sheng Ding then revealed he had consulted a fortune-teller in Hong Kong who had told him that he would live to the age of thirty-seven. He wanted to know how he could reverse this cycle and if I could change his fate. 

I told him, `I can give it a try.` 

I went into deep meditation. 

In my meditation, I saw a figure of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva dressed in a white robe, carrying a vial of elixir and a stalk of willow leaves in her hands. She appeared noble and at ease with herself. 

The Bodhisattva told me, `All you have to do is tell Sheng Ding to chant the Mantra of the White Robed Kuan Yin Bodhisattva twenty times per day, and there shall be deliverance. You don`t have to teach him how to recite it. He already knows how.` 

I came out of my meditation and said to Sheng Ding, `You do know how to chant a mantra.` 

`Nonsense!` Sheng Ding denied. 

`But the Bodhisattva says you do.` 

`The Bodhisattva must be joking! I have never chanted any mantra in my entire life.` 

`The White Robed Kuan Yin Bodhisattva told me that you know how to chant her mantra.` 

`Ah!` Sheng Ding was taken aback. He then related this story to me.


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