Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra

Vajra Sutra (Diamond Sutra)

■ Detailed Exposition by Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, Grandmaster Sheng-yen Lu

■ Translated into English by True Buddha School Vajra Sutra Translation Team

Four—Non-dwelling in Marvelous Conduct. 

“Subhuti, a bodhisattva should not dwell on anything. When performing acts of giving, he should not dwell on the form of giving, nor should he dwell on sound, smell, taste, touch or anything at all.

“Subhuti, bodhisattvas should perform acts of giving in this way, without dwelling on form. Why? Because when a bodhisattva does not dwell on anything, his merit becomes immeasurable.

“Subhuti, what does this mean? Can space in the east be measured?”

“No, World-honored One.”

“Subhuti, can space in the west, north, south, above, below in all dimensions be measured?”

“No, World-honored One.”

“So Subhuti, when a bodhisattva performs acts of giving without dwelling on form, his merits and virtues are likewise immeasurable. Subhuti, the bodhisattvas should abide this way.”

Because of the pandemic, we have restrictions to prevent community infections. That's why they came up with some restrictions: limited number of people inside, open hours, duration of stay, etc. Didn't you have an announcement posted, saying that people can't have meals at the temple if they stay over three months? Anyone staying over three months cannot get any bento? Actually, it shouldn't have mattered. Just let them eat, even for our neighbors. If they want a bento, let them have it. During the pandemic, they can eat under the tent outdoors or take it home—either way is fine.

In the future, Seattle Lei Tsang Temple and Rainbow Temple should perform acts of giving with no form. Don't be afraid of people eating your food because when they eat, you will receive blessings. The people who made the food will gain merits; so will the abbot of the temples. Whoever donates money to help the temples will also have merits. This is all without form. This is very important, very crucial. 

We don't want to block sentient beings. Instead, we want to truly help all sentient beings. In our help of sentient beings, we don't dwell on any forms or phenomena. This is non-dwelling of marvelous conduct. We don't dwell on anything. We don't give for any particular reason; we just give.

…he should not dwell on the form of giving, nor should he dwell on sound, smell, taste, touch, or anything at all…

With regards to not dwelling on the form of giving, it's very simple. You give when a young person comes, you give when an old person comes, so you perform acts of giving without dwelling on forms. If a sick person comes, you give. If a healthy person comes, you shall also give. This is non-dwelling on the forms of giving, not dwelling on forms, or sound, smell, taste, touch and anything. When you give indiscriminately, the merits will be unimaginable and immeasurable. That's what Sakyamuni Buddha said.

Om mani padme hum.


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