T341 蓮生活佛英文文集103-The Power Of My Puja我的護摩法力 (3)
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■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana
■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu
For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.
Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.
However, many people including scientists do not understand Tantra, not to mention fire puja. They have different views:
A famous scientist said:
”Lu Sheng Yen, I understand him very well. He is lying, he is a con man. The puja can cure sickness is just psychology effect. For instance, the headache happened to stop, and they said fully cured. A patient being treated by the doctor was almost recovered, so after the ritual, he will be fine. I totally reject the view that fire puja can cure sickness.”
A famous internal designer said:
”I believe using puja to cure sickness is not prearranged. Because the little boy was suffering from amyotrophy for many years. So when he started to walk, his mother was moved. The little boy will not pretend, his mother will not shed crocodile tear. There is such a phenomenal in this universe.”
A famous lawyer said:
”Using puja to cure sickness is very unconventional. Lu Sheng Yen just lit the fire, and asked the patient to pray. He did not treat the patients at all. I suppose you may believe if you are cured, otherwise, you don't have to believe. This is not a question of neutrality, not to confirm, not to deny. I think we have to do research and observe more, put up our views and to confirm it's truth. Fact is the most important element, no matter what happened.”
A famous doctor said:
”Puja treatment is a new term coined by Lu Sheng Yen. From a doctor's view, this treatment cannot be accepted by the modern medical science. But so are Chinese traditional medicine and Qigong. Are you sure Chinese medicine and Qigong are not effectual? In fact, quite a number of sickness was cured by Chinese medicine and Qigong when Western medicine was hopeless.
To become a science, we must do more research on them. Puja treatment, is a kind of spiritual healing. Such miracles as disappearance of tumour, gall-stone and cancer happened. I must admit the power of religion which is in itself inconceivable.
A politician said:
” The puja treatment by Lu Sheng Yen will be developed into a great debate in future. To judge whether his treatment is real or otherwise, we might as well make a judgement whether the miracles created by Jesus Christ, or that of Sakyamuni Buddha is true or not.
The power of religion is invisible. It stems from gods. Science and politics are practical. As long as the puja treatment is not superstitious, and show truth under strict controls. We must let the nature takes its own course. Because all forms of religions are developed under such circumstances.”
I don't wish to repeat what others have said, but I would like to quote two original letters:
The first, 'Tumour disappears':
Dear Grandmaster Lian Shen
Our daughter Lian Hua Qiong Zi had a tumour in her head immediately after she was born. From the doctor's prognosis, it was not cancerous. An operation to remove the tumour should be carried out when she is two years old. We were very upset and sad on hearing this.
At that time we heard that grand master will be conducting a True Buddha puja for merit accumulation, misfortune eradication and spiritual healing to be held on 28 December at the government stadium. On that particular night, the weather suddenly turned very cold, the temperature dropped to the lowest for the last fifteen years. It was only 3 celsius. As a true Buddha disciple, I have full confidence. In order to eradicate our daughter's misfortune, we brought our daughter to take part in the ritual, hoping the Grandmaster could empower our daughter to get rid of her misfortune and cure her. During the ritual, we followed the instructions given by the grand master and used the hand to press the tumour, and sincerely prayed.
On our way home, our daughter's tumour was already disappeared, it is really a miracle! We were very happy indeed! With this letter, We would like to thank our Grandmaster who had empowered her, so that she need not go for operation and suffered unnecessary. Enclosed are photographs of her before and after the ritual, to be used as an evidence.
Wishing Grandmaster healthy always,
auspicious and wish fulfilling,
your disciples,
Lian Hua Man Hua and Lian Hua Cui Yi
6th January 1992
-To be continued-
T341 蓮生活佛法文文集 La dissertation débute par une histoire drôle從一則笑話說起
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- 分類:大燈新書上市
■Le bouddha vivant Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu
■Book 200-L'Éveil parfait et universel
Une tranche et encore une tranche d'Illumination
—L'esprit intelligent de la vie—
■Traduit du chinois par Sandrine Fang
■Copyright © Sheng-yen Lu ©2013, Éditions Darong
Dans notre école du Vrai Bouddha, il y a une femme très portée à tenir des propos gais, c'est la disciple Chen Chuan-fang. Elle habite en Californie, aux États-Unis. Ses récits humoristiques sont extraordinaires et font que les gens se tordent de rire.
Un jour, elle raconta cette histoire :
Un gentil mari revenait de son travail. Quand il rentra chez lui, il portait sur les joues deux empreintes rouges de main.
Son épouse lui demanda :
— Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
Le mari répondit :
— J'ai pris aujourd'hui l'autobus pour rentrer à la maison. Il y avait beaucoup de passagers. J'ai vu une femme, la fermeture éclair de son vêtement était particulièrement basse. Par gentillesse, j'ai remonté cette fermeture à glissière. Mais la femme m'a donné une gifle. Après réflexion : « Ce n'était pas bon ! Ce n'était pas bon ! Elle a baissé intentionnellement sa fermeture », j'ai redescendu la fermeture éclair à sa place d'origine. À ma grande surprise, j'ai reçu une autre gifle.
Son épouse ne savait que dire :
— […]
En écoutant le récit humoristique de Chen Chuan-fang, tout le monde éclata de rire.
À propos de cette histoire, je voudrais poser quelques questions à tout le monde :
— Est-ce correct de remonter la fermeture éclair ?
— Est-ce correct de baisser la fermeture éclair ?
— Est-ce bon de ne pas donner un coup de main ?
— Est-ce bon de donner un coup de main ?
Je vous demande, disciples intelligents, si vous étiez dans le bus et si vous voyiez que la fermeture à glissière de cette femme était baissée, quelle serait votre réaction ?
J'estime que ce récit humoristique renferme une voie juste qui mène à l'Éveil.
L'Éveil est :
– ce qui est montré ;
– ce qui est induit ;
– la voie émergée de cet état ;
– l'achèvement complet et parfait.
Voici mes remarques :
Si vous étiez dans cette circonstance-là et que vous fermiez les yeux, seriez-vous corrects ?
Si vous étiez dans cette circonstance-là et que vous tourniez le dos à la femme, seriez-vous corrects ?
Ou bien :
Si vous restiez tranquillement en face d'elle et qu'il vous soit complètement indifférent que la fermeture éclair soit remontée ou baissée, si vous n'y prêtiez pas la moindre attention, seriez-vous corrects ?
Ou encore :
Vous avez une autre manière de voir, « ce n'est pas ainsi, ce n'est pas ainsi, tout n'est pas ainsi ».
Ici, je demande aux saints disciples de réfléchir, de méditer un peu sur ce texte.
Il renferme :
– la pureté ;
– la souillure ;
– la non-pureté et la non-souillure ;
– la négation du oui et du non.
Si vous êtes des gens qui ont obtenu l'Éveil, quelles seraient vos réponses ? Qu'est-ce que le Grand Achèvement ?
Je vous cite un dossier officiel de l'école du zen.
Quelqu'un interrogea le bonze Chao-chou :
— Qu'est-ce que Chao-chou ?
Le bonze répondit :
— La porte est, la porte ouest, la porte sud, la porte nord.
La réponse à cette histoire drôle se trouve justement là-dedans !
T340 蓮生活佛英文文集103-The Power Of My Puja我的護摩法力 (2)
- 詳細內容
- 分類:大燈新書上市
■Book 103 - The Great Spiritual Response Of Tantrayana
■Written by master Sheng-yen Lu
For more information, please call +1(510)473-4818 or fax +1(510)437-1987.
Contact Address: 3440 Foothill Blvd. Oakland CA 94601, U.S.A.
When carrying out the Tantric Puja, there must be a root image.
My habit is:
To eradicate misfortune - root image is Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara - the compassion to succour.
To accumulate merit-root image is yellow fortune god - treasure and willingness to help.
To have loving kindness- root image is Cundi mother of buddhas-eagerness and assimilation.
To tame the evil-root - image is Achala - prowess and mediation.
In Tibet, many gurus have the following habit:
To eradicate misfortune - Green Tara.
To accumulate merit - Yellow fortune god.
To have loving kindness- Gulu Gulie mother of Buddhas.
To tame the evil - Mahakala.
The Tantric puja derives its enormous power from two sources, the tranquility of the presider, and the ”other power” from Buddhas, Bodhisattva and other saints. With two sources of power, the effectiveness of empowerment is double.
The tantric Puja can be used:
1. Before and after the retreat.
2. Protection.
3. Getting rid of unwholesome karma.
4. Curing sickness.
5. Empowerment by the cosmic power.
6. Enhancement of dharma power.
7. Birthdays of all the saints, empowerment rituals, building temples, soul deliverance, protection of a country, prosperity and other good deeds.
The items used in the fire puja are many and varied:
Clothes - for the body of the root deity.
Food - for the mouth of the root deity.
Fragrance - for the body of the root deity.
Flowers - for the hand of the root deity.
Tea - for the surrounding of the root deity.
The key to the success is the cultivator, the root deity and fire must be in unification.
Generally, the rite is as follows:
1. Purification and definition of boundary.
2. Invocation and homage.
3. Empowerment of rosary beads, vajra, bell and offerings.
4. Armour protection ritual.
5. Visualisation of root deity (mudra) .
6. Chanting mantra (mudra).
7. Lighting the fire (mudra).
8. Officially making offerings to the root deity (mudra).
9. Making wishes and transference of merit.
The ashes left behind by the fire puja, must be dealt with as follows:
To eradicate misfortune - throw them into flowing water, take some for the patients to consume.
To accumulate merit - bury them in the field. Those doing business, can take some and throw them in the shop.
To have loving kindness - place them at a high ground, or wear them.
To tame the evil - Bury them under a major road, for all to step upon.
I believe that Tantric puja is very important and the responses are very glorious. To have responses, the cultivators of True Buddha School must observe the following:
1. Must be familiar with the ritual, be poised and graceful.
2. Must pray sincerely,to increase confidence.
3. Must be protected by the eight beings from the celestial world.
4. Must have the tranquility power.
5. Must make great vows.
6. Must fulfil perfectly all the conditions for puja.
7. Participants must have full confidence.
The responses from the Tantric Buddhism's fire puja is not accidental. Each and every puja conducted will have many miracles. This is a very special skill, to be in unification with the cosmic power. The result is delightful.
The new testament of Bible recorded that Jesus Christ created many miracles. We are able to do the same miracles now, we are enjoying the fruit of success.
-To be continued-